Be happy and we’ll attract happy things, but has any one told you it’s your subconscious feelings/vibrations that create most of your reality. The stuff you’ve been taught to bury deep, deep down, so then you can be happy – then why aren’t you happy?! – like it’s that simple.
Everything is vibration, ‘like’ vibrations attract – this is the Law (of Attraction). Manifestation meditations and visualizing good things and trying to feel good in moments help to attract those things, but how you are truly feeling within is how you vibrate most of the time, unconsciously creating your outside reality.
“As Within, So Without”―
We’re taught from a young age to stop crying, because we’re a big boy/girl now, man-up, don’t bring those unsocial depressing feelings out tonight, just turn them off, I’ll hide them in my female/man cave, behind my mask and no one has to face them again. Suppression is how society teaches us to deal with our feelings, and feeds us plenty of strategies for distraction, TV, drink, drugs, become a workaholic etc. Push them down, down, down into your bad feeling black hole and how it grows and grows…do you feel how these feelings are choking you, they’re not really gone are they? Do you think this is really the best way to deal with them? These suppressed feelings, these deep subconscious vibrations are also one of the main pullers of your reality.
We need to do exactly the opposite of what society has taught us and feel these feelings to release them so they no longer attract ‘like’ things into our reality and for us to heal.
Feel it to heal it.
It’s such a simple process that most people miss the effectiveness and importance of just Feeling to Heal.
Storing negative emotions up won’t get rid of them, that’s illogical. Don’t be afraid to feel crappy, just feel into it and let it go. Don’t linger in it, mope, or enjoy the drama or it’ll become additive. Some people are addicted to telling bad stories, addicted to the drama and attention, then they are only going to attract more bad stories, which is some ways, unconsciously, is what they want as they enjoy telling them so much. Its like when you get a cut, you might need to tell someone, find out what you can do to help it heal or get a plaster, but then if you keep picking at the scab, its just going to keep opening the wound; you become addicted to picking at it rather than choosing to let it heal. There’s a line where you need to talk and release and where you’ll reveling in it and becoming more addicted to those sad feelings. Try to distinguish that line and avoid re-living that moment/vibration, if after a while you still find you have some pelt up feelings, feel into it again and release.
Find the middle way.
This exercise is an on-going way of life. Anything that happens that upsets you, just feel into it, release and let it go, don’t let things build up. Avoiding feelings, anger, only leads to more – if you keep avoiding confrontations, then after a lot of buildup, a slight thing may trigger you and lead to passive aggressive behavior.
There are feelings our ego thinks are just too painful, that its afraid to let us feel it. Your ego’s think it’s protecting you by saying look if it’s this painful even when you feel into the edges a little, don’t let it surface, you won’t be able to handle it. But it’s fear in the anticipation that it might feel too painful, like waiting for a needle jab, but then when it happens you can just let the pain go through you and it’ll pass. Stored negative emotions can also give rise to illness or pain in your body. Below is a mediation to help you release emotions :
For feelings that seem over whelming to deal with in one go, slowly does it. Just feel into the pain slowly and release a little at a time, focus on other things and then make sure you go back to feeling them, feel and release more until its gone. It’s just pain, it can’t it really hurt you unless you keep it in. Once you’ve felt it, has anything really bad happened to you? It just passes. If you have issues with forgiveness and this is locking down anger and pain, try forgiving that person or yourself, see Power of Forgiveness. If you have difficult shifting the emotions, try seeing a recommended healing practitioner, who can use higher vibration to influence the lower emotional vibrations, sadness etc, to raise and be released.
You are eternal, unlimited, what difference does it make if you feel pain in a moment of time. The moment, like all, will pass. After all the feelings you’ve had, you’re still standing. They’re just feelings, that pass like the wind, until you hold onto them, attach stories and meanings to them and then they start to direct your life. Like being too afraid of getting into a new relationship after a failed one, in case you get hurt again. If you get hurt again, so what, just let the feeling pass and chose something, someone different now that you know what else you don’t want, so you know what you want, the opposite. That’s why we do dating before married, because we are defining what we want each time we experience things which teach us what we don’t and do want. We’re taught to fear our bad emotions rather than embracing them for what they are, a teaching/creation tool. The way we feel and our emotions are just a tool for us to learn what we want to and to attract what we want towards us. They are our tools for Creation.
We have to learn to let go of all the stories we are carrying from the past, people we haven’t forgiven, forgotten anger, unworthiness, guilt, that carry bad feelings. Memories where we are adamant that someone has done us wrong do not serve us at all at the end of the day. Can you now see how letting go of anger and forgiving someone is definitely beneficial for yourself? If someone was out of order, let that be their Karma to sort out. Why make it yours and let it continue to affect your life.
We may feel these stories keeps us safe, protects us from making the same mistakes again. Are you driven by strong emotions attached to these past stories? if you didn’t hold onto that story what would you really like to do Now. Letting go means you can act from Now, with all the knowledge and experience you have gained but there’s no need for the emotion to be still attached to the information. See any situation for what it is, not clouded by your past story’s emotions, so you can live in the Now. And act in a way that fits your intentions rather than on impulse.
What stories are you holding? Be truly honest with yourself, only then can you release yourself from them and basically shrink that black hole, unf’k yourself and manifest better.
Slowly let them go. It takes a lot of energy to hold on to stories, holding on to anger, fear, guilt, all of them. When you let them go, you free up so much energy that can go into manifesting things you want.
For True Awareness first must come Awareness of Self.
Why are you truly acting a certain way and what are you really feeling underneath? Once you can truly allow yourself to see how you are vibrating you will begin to understand why you attract certain things into your life, even though consciously you would not want to. Track your emotions during the day and see where you have to release and what they are attracting. Releasing bad emotions means they will no longer attract ‘like’ vibrations into your reality and there is a new abundance of energy to manifest the things you want. This newly released energy will flow to what you focus on, so keep up the good manifesting visions!
Further Reading:
Power of Forgiveness
The Manifestor in You
Manifesting with the Sri Yantra
One Comment
[…] Am the Magic Feel to Heal & Subconscious Manifestations The Manifestor in You Manifesting with the Sri […]
Dear Sir
Thks so much for the help and support to self heal
Have been psychologically confused and dipressed and am very thankful to you for this help
Hoping to be able to read all your articles
beautiful articles life saving
Love and rgds
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[…] Am the Magic Feel to Heal & Subconscious Manifestations The Manifestor in You Manifesting with the Sri […]