Science is revealing more & more Spiritual Truths…Read on & Help Tip the Collective Conscience!
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Be Honest, Be Brave, Be Generous, Open & Free, Be Yourself, Be Love, Be Inspiration.
Time is an illusion, as we’re told. What if all moments really did exits right now? What if time is just the way our brain structures the information out there, so that the experiences we have are in a logical system for brains to comprehend, which seems like a sequence of events? We’re used to
A long time ago I thought this was simple, driven mainly by the fact that I had followed my friend’s instructions and had met a great guy, as I thought at the time. I was so naïve. The original advice was based on the popular version of the Law of Attraction; the listing of the
We all have different personality traits, maybe we’re stubborn, cheeky or easy going; well archetypes are similar but like deeper encompassing underlying character, that we have chosen to experience in this life; whether that’s because of our past lives or due to lessons we need to learn. We adopt these habits because at some point
So you’ve started giving up old stories that hold bad vibrations, if not please read Feel to Heal & Subconscious Manifestations. As you shed them don’t you feel lighter, better? Now that all that energy that was used to hold on to those stories is now free to flow into other manifestations, but are you
Be happy and we’ll attract happy things, but has any one told you it’s your subconscious feelings/vibrations that create most of your reality. The stuff you’ve been taught to bury deep, deep down, so then you can be happy – then why aren’t you happy?! – like it’s that simple. Everything is vibration, ‘like’ vibrations
First Read Mediation Rainbow Bliss – You Are Source. Imagine, you are just conscious thought. How would you grow? By having more thoughts, more experiences, more ideas etc. Generating contrast and things for you to love, hate, develop solutions, finding ways to overcome hardships etc. The more pressure to think, the more thoughts or ideas
I AM the Magic before the Choice The Dreamer before the Dream The See-er before the Scene I AM the Magic Behind every Voice Behind Every Right and Every Wrong The Singer before Every Song I AM the Magic The Sun, the Darkness and the Storm The Nothing from which the All is Born The
I gonna go and presume that you have read the other articles on mediation and have tried it for yourself. Try it !! There is no greater teacher than your inner self /higher self. I’m constantly growing, growing fast due to my alignment with Source…. I find it amazing how these article reflect that and
The Pineal Gland was revered during the Egyptian times as the Eye of Horus for a reason, because it is the Seat of the Soul. You can see the Eye of Horus clearly outlines the Pineal Gland. “My view is that this gland [the pineal gland] is the principal seat of the soul, and the
Fluoride is a natural mineral found in earths curst. It is added to the water supply in many countries around the world including USA, UK, Hong Kong, Brazil etc to prevent cavities in teeth. “Even in small quantities, sodium fluoride is a deadly poison to which no effective antidote has been found. Every exterminator knows