Hearty Garlic Soup

With the flu & cold season is here, I wanted to share this heartwarming soup. Whenever I feel a bit run down, I make my hearty garlic soup for a great boost. Loaded with kick-a*$e garlic to boost the function of the immune system. In a 12-week study, it was found that colds were reduced by 63% compared to a placebo by taking a daily garlic supplement. The average length of cold symptoms was also reduced to just 1.5 days in the garlic group compared to 5 days in the placebo group. In another study it was found that taking a high dose of aged garlic extract (2.56 grams per day) reduced the number of days’ sick with cold or flu by 61%, plus it has plenty of other great benefits like reducing blood pressure and improving cholesterol levels. The soup is topped up with vegetables and is so comforting – a real hug in a mug.

• 10 Cloves Garlic (about 1 head)
• 1 Large Onion
• 3 Carrots
• 2 Medium Potatoes
• Brown Mushrooms
• Vegetable stock cube
• Salt & Black Pepper
• Optional 400g Organic free range, hormone free chicken (just leave out if you’re not into eating meat)
• 1 ltr. water


  • Slice the garlic., cube the onions and quarter the mushrooms. Peel potatoes and carrots and cut them up so that they’re nice and chunky. Rinse the chicken and cut into cubes.
  • I actually cook in a large wok, that has a lid, my saving-on-washing-up trick.
    If you don’t have one just use your soup pot. Heat up some oil. Add the chicken and sear all the sides. Put chicken in a bowl. Add more oil and put on high heat. Wait till hot and add garlic and onions. Stir around a bit and then lower heat and stir fry for a few minutes. Add mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Stir fry until mushrooms seared and a little brown, but not fully cooked. Add chicken, water, potatoes and carrots. Dissolve vegetable stock in some hot water and add to mix. Bring to boil and then simmer for 30 minutes. Simple!
  • If I’m feeling fluey or coldy, I always make sure I get a lot of vitamin C, from a couple of fresh oranges or kiwis daily as well. Vitamin C also boosts immune systems and helps protect the body against infections by encouraging the production of white blood cells.

    Remember prevention is always better than a cure.

    References & Further Reading:
    Supplementation with aged garlic extract reduces the severity of cold and flu symptoms

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