Time is an illusion, as we’re told. What if all moments really did exits right now? What if time is just the way our brain structures the information out there, so that the experiences we have are in a logical system for brains to comprehend, which seems like a sequence of events? We’re used to perceiving and recording things in such ways so that we can determine what we deem as a logical cause and effect. I bake a chocolate cake and gave it to my friend, so she got a chocolate cake for her birthday, cause and effect. What if the real cause was she wanted chocolate cake and under the law of attraction, attracted someone wanting to bake it. Her vibration was really what created the outcome. The 3D physical manifestation of things in your reality is an indicator of your vibration, which can provide indications of you when you need to correct that vibration.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nicola Tesla
The only difference between a door and you are the way the atoms within you and the door are vibrating differently. The slower the vibration the denser the object. This can be seen when water acts like steam at a high vibration and ice at a very low vibration. When the vibrations become as fast as the speed of light squared, matter becomes energy. Thus E=MC2, energy equals mass times speed of light squared, a famous equation from Einstein. Light itself can act like an energy wave and also as light photons, see Science and Spirituality. So everything around you is really just light slowed down. Everything is energy vibrating at different frequencies.
What if time was just the same, just a twist of frequency. The only difference in what we perceive as now and in an hours’ time being a change in one of the dimensions of frequency. If our brain was programmed to perceive at a rate of change of this particular dimension of frequency, we would be moving through that rate of change, perceiving it as a movement through time.
What if we can affect this programmed rate of change? Time flies when you are having fun is a common phrase. There are times when I’m so focused, I get a lot of work done, and then I look up and only 5-10 minutes have passed and I’m shocked. Haven’t you experienced when time seems to have slowed down or accelerated? Maybe our emotions, vibrations themselves, can affect the programmed rate of change. Haven’t you spent time with people where you’ve noticed time seems to pass with them at a much slower or faster pace? Maybe their programmed rate is a little off from yours and affects your reality when together (their will being stronger).
Below is a video excerpt from a documentary film called “Somewhere Out There.” It is an interview with Ralph Ring who worked with Otis T. Carr, who in turn was taught by the great inventor Nikola Tesla. They built a number of operational flying disk which levitated and moved based on vibration. This was all prior to their experimentation being confiscated by the US Government in 1961. He doesn’t talk about time travel explicitly, but at 6:20 minutes in, he does say it has the ability to travel through time and space. It might sound crazy, but what if they could already travel through time, or if the government had furthered the research enabling them to time travel. The Mandela effect would seem to show evidence that things in the past have been tampered with or timelines changed, please see The Mandela Effect, Cern & other Looney Stuff.
Bashar is a multidimensional being from the future, that is channeled through Darryl Anka. Over the last 35 years he has shared details on how the universe works. His explanation of time travel, as described in one of his videos and extracted below, certainly seems to back up Ralph Ring interview and how it is possible to travel through space time by changing vibrations:
“Take a flat table at least 10 feet long. Take a hollow sphere, it can be copper, it can be steel and allow it to be about this big”. Bashar holds his hands up about 9 inches apart.
“Rest it at one end of the table, then get it to vibrate somehow. You can strike it, induce it by acoustic or electromagnetic means, or by whatever tech you have at your disposal such that you have instruments that can determine its overall frequency. Make the sphere perfectly sphere and as thin as you can, so its hollow, so you have that material resonate, just enough that you get the frequency. Once you have recorded that frequency, pick up the sphere and put it at the other end of the table and do it again, take a recording of it frequency at the other end of the table. Now if your instrumentation is sensitive enough, this is a question of the level of technology, whether it is precise or sensitive enough. If your instrumentation is sensitive enough you should actually see there is a difference in frequencies. Even a minute one, because the idea is from our perspective that objects do not exist in a location, location is one of the variables in an object. It’s part of the energy equation of the object. So, if you can measure the difference, then you take that ball and put it back at the beginning and now you again surround it or immerse it, overwhelm it in a sense, with a vibration that represents the signature of the other position, position B. When you overwhelm the mass of that object sufficiently it will at least in your reality, probably at first, roll to the new position that represents the second location because you have changed the locational frequency. If you can actually overwhelm it enough it will actually stop exiting at location A and instantaneously exist at location B. That’s how we travel from star to star.”
When Bashar was asked “but you have to know the vibration of let’s say 2 years ago in order to travel back 2 years or in the future, you would have to know that vibration?”
Bashar replied “Understand that even Einstein knew that space-time is one thing, so when you have the vibrational location of space there is also a temporal vibration that comes along with it. But remember you never actually go back to the same place, it’s always a parallel reality, always, always, always.”
Ben Rich was a director of Lockheed Skunkwork’s from 1975-1991 and was called the Father of Stealth. Many of the U.S top secret aircrafts are believed to be the result of the reversed engineering of UFO crafts. Days before his death in January 1995, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials. “We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do.” “We now have technology to take ET home. No it won’t take someone’s lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars.” When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected?” Rich then said, “That’s how it works!”.
It is clear a lot knowledge is being hidden from us.
“Time is an illusion” – Einstein
If all time and space are connected at one place, then they must all be connected to you, in you. This would explain how many great teachers state that only ‘Now’ exists, and that ‘Now’ would include all time, as all time would connect to ‘Now’. Have you ever slipped from being in a dream state and then half-awake in your room while you are falling asleep, and then back and forth before you fell deep asleep or totally awoke? As you bridged both dream and awake states, both seem so real, in same time, same place, inside of you. You don’t even doubt the reality of the state that you are in when you are in it. What if you were just moving your focus from one thought, one reality/dream to focusing on the other reality/dream, by tuning into a different vibration. You have not moved anywhere. You are still in your bed. All exists within you. Life in this 3 dimensional world seems more real; could this be because our brains may have been programmed to keep re-focusing back here and to maintain a continuity in this reality until we die?
All times and places are other dimensions existing at the same place, in us, but at different frequencies, so when we are accessing memories or past lives, we are just tuning into that frequency. When people have a premonition, they may be tuning into a future frequency.
If you are eternal, then how does time matter? Where exactly is now in eternity?
(A while ago I had read about a guy with a camera that could take photos at different frequencies, and yes on the internet. I know you can find anything on the internet nowadays, but it was from a couple of sources. Anyway the camera could take a photograph of a seed at a certain frequency and produce a picture of a flower, a future picture of the seed. These cameras were used in hospital years ago for diagnosis. He was even taken to court for fraud but won on patient testimonials. I really wanted to add that to the blog, but couldn’t find anything on it at all anymore. If anyone knows who and what I’m talking about, please can you pass me more details. Thanks!)
Further Reading:
Science & Spirituality
Ralph Ring
Lockheed Executive Blows Lid Off of Secret Government Space Travel
One Comment
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂